

About Jessie

Jessie is a passionate Naturopath with a love for all plants, animals and beings (especially her cat, Archer). With years of experience working both within community services, specifically youth work and within the natural health industry, Jessie has developed the ability to welcome you to feel heard and seen.

Her interest in Naturopathy first sparked from her own personal experience of chronic fatigue from a young age after a common viral infection, known as Glandular Fever. After continually leaving appointments leaving with question marks, and developing hormonal issues over the years, Jessie began taking an interest in natural health and discovered the power of herbal medicine and nutrients.

Since then, her passion for the capabilities of herbs and for women’s health grew. Throughout acquiring her qualifications in both social work and Naturopathy degree, Jessie has been assisting individuals to discover their health journey.

Jessie places a special interest in Women’s health as she believes every woman deserves to be heard, to live in their best body and become so in tune with themselves that they own it! Her belief that normalised suffering around menstruation and hormones no longer should have a place in a woman’s life. Her mission is to hear you, listen to you, support you and assist you.




Jessie Anne El-Tannoury | Naturopath




0468 733 515
